donderdag 24 september 2009


ah, life... :)

it's good. Taking extra classes - going to lectures - meeting people - being alone - cooking - reading - sleeping.

Went to the beach with Anke today. The beach is like 15 minutes by bike! :D

I should not have internet on my room: it takes away all this precious time i was using very usefull before i got internet: i was actually doing a lot of cultivation and lots of reading too.

ERGO this post will stop...

though i'm hearing this song by the weepies again - it strikes me as true; meeting new people, getting to ''know'' them, them getting to ''know'' me... really? People really seem not to understand i'm NOT an unworldly ascetic constantly trying to hurt myself... in fact, i can't imagine doing it differently: eating meat etc? sleeping way too much, getting up late, going to bad late? not doing schoolwork? - that can't bring any happiness i'd think.
But then: this is just a mood; there are a lot of cool and interesting people around here. (i should not forget that)

ps: i'm actually missing CTTB - wanna be back there; practicing, learning, meeting people... Oregon too... argh... summer?

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