woensdag 23 december 2009


a pro-vegan broadcast by the dutch consumer program Radar:

debunking the dutch pro-milk sentiment


may all beings, cows included, be extremely happy!

donderdag 17 december 2009

a four day vow

sometimes absence is needed to note presence...

Studying Buddhadharma yesterday and today, I made a vow this morning not to listen to music. Using my computer to do some things, i automatically think ''oh i can turn on some ...'' - usually i would follow the thought. Now, I'm going to have the thought follow me for a few days. :)


the world is interesting,


zondag 13 december 2009

who doesn't get happy seeing those who uphold the precepts?

What i've seen was great, - i will definetely take the time one of these weeks, to see the entire documentary.

Amituofo! :)


just need to write

some random thoughts:

it is a most healthy thing to be outside; just take a walk every now and then. :) Look around, hear the sounds (mostly highway/freeway (whatever) for me :P). Enjoy. Thát is environmental activism!

another thought:

another thought:
classical music! :)

another thought:
i think part of the entire problem in the world is a lack of spirituality - people are forgetting to think about some matters, don't search or find a home. This is really the cause of the environmental problem. Which for me is not global warming (though it is, if it is antropogenic, certainly bad, in my view), but is really what we see so clearly in de Randstad where i'm living: no nature at all! Just human intervention wherever you go... its sad you know.

perhaps i need to think some more and some less, the world needs both.

http://www.youtube.com/user/wolfgango1991#p/c/9F1E498167E3D674 - for thy mozart

may there be peace,

vrijdag 11 december 2009

or perhaps... :)

or perhaps i'm not going crazy at all (though the world will - mind you). Sometimes one goes through hard times without noticing it really. Luckily sometimes my spiritual teachers and friends are always there. (I oftentimes think of the fact that the Triple Jewel saved my life in a sense.) They can sometimes help on ways they might not even have intended or imagined.

just in the hope people take some time and listen to some wonderful Dharma songs:

So, i'll make new mistakes... and make new vows. I'll constantly fail, and will constantly be desparetely going back in respect. But one vow will stay strong above all: i'm NOT going to stop coming back to goodness... i'll never stop trying, i promise.

in gratefulness to my dharma friends and dharma teachers, to the Triple Jewel,
their disciple and friend,

zondag 6 december 2009

one of these days

the world is going crazy - i'm pretty proud to be one of the first...

but besides that, i'm probably useless... worthless
Where is my vigor? Especially why its needed? And why on earth is it December - if there is one month which is especially deceivable it is December. Very emotional; dark; addictive... I prefer Januari and Februari - they're light... December is too dark. December conceals, ''cozies'' it up with Sinterklaas, Christmas and New Year.

I think i'm going to write a post for the DRBY blog one of these weeks. On speech... being alone a lot one sees that: people speaking... and one notices the subjects (gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip, gossip).

Nevermind reader - this is just a mood (December!). It will pass; one of these days:

dinsdag 1 december 2009


useless days, spending hours and hours, asking what i did. Last week i excelled in vigor and efficiency... things end, unfortunately.

And people have too much opinions, especially myself. I can't stand it! I just want to solve the riddle and be free of ignorance - somehow i (WRONLY) suspect i might find out how the world works by learning at university... stupid, stupid, stupid fedde... now, i should go back to: working, learning, reading, sleeping...

by the way, got into listening to Syd Barret's work again... somehow feels like one of my homes. There is a difference between what he wrote when he had already left pink floyd (see a previous post) and his last episodes with the floyd: the next song is neither of both: a song of the earliest stage: (why are there so much songs by Pink Floyd i never heard before? I had the impressions, probably correct, i had all (relevant) the cd's that were ever officially released)

zondag 29 november 2009

a single thought

really, the mind changes the world. Even though i'm getting increasingly convinced the literal sense is quite true and scientifically established (though not accepted by established science - that is a different thing), i now mean the psychological sense: the ''world'' after all is just a personal construct. (though personal is not to be believed in to strictly: i.e. personal is socially, culturally, politically, religously, economically etc etc, but still: personal!)

So if you put new expectations and new motivations into that construct it really changes that construct. Note that this is really a tautology: B = A; change A and you thereby change B... DUH! Nevertheless, making it explicit helps. Things and events really have a place in our lives and the question is how we relate to them, not how they relate to us...

ok, that was the theory; now i should go on trying to put it into practice

think wholesomely (even though that might not be a proper english word, is it? - it sounds cool and serves a purpose (which is what language is all about),

zaterdag 28 november 2009


it is obvious: homesick (though in leeuwarden now)... actually visited CTTB in a dream tonight. As i said to a friend*: going back to CTTB has become an existential need.

it is obvious: searching throught dusty and less dusty books for info on zoroastrian rituals, their meaning and function is, to use exactly the right word, EXCITING. For my first large paper (8 pages)...
I'm also working on another one, exciting too, perhaps even more exciting, for Buddhist Philosophy, on Buddhism and Deep Ecology. Fun times

it is obvious: that i'm stupid - the entire reason for going back to leeuwarden was to go Isis her birthday - i forgot my gift... argh such is life, my life at least.

it is obvious: Pluralism! - perfect norm for all sciences; conflicting views are ok as long as the people are not conflicting.

it is obvious: that one of the things that current sciences sometimes seem to forget is the very pupose of science: helping! To make us more whole(somely) living persons in a world, and increase our sense of wonder about the world. Just some feelings on academia.

oh and: social sciences are no sciences! :P that would be a nice thesis to defend.

see you again!

*that is a problem: when do you call someone a friend anyway?

zondag 15 november 2009

girls and days

since i met matangi's daughter - some weeks ago; i kinda failed the test (so had to ''start anew'' to quote the Venerable Master)

so i found this article which made me feel a bit better (things (or people) can haunt you, or at least me)
worth reading (or skimming as i did) though

currently awaiting some exciting books i ordered, among which ''the end of materialism'' by Tart
Reading J.B. Tuckers excellent summary of reincarnation research ''life before life''
and recovering from my typical ''sad state'' which i've been having every now and then
and: still have to read some stuff before i'll say i've had a productive day (which is a must for me)
and: promised to cook for all three of us; will start around 5:00 pm (?)
conclusion: stop blogging and internetting, start living~! :D

hope to see and hear from all my friends from near and far soon!


maandag 9 november 2009

going to go crazy

going to 5 extra lectures this week; total will be 13 lectures this week (i.e. all classes + lectures)...
i will probably survive... :P
it is all my own choice anyway. :)

MY CHOICE - and perhaps people might remember that: what i do is MY CHOICE! thank you :)


woensdag 4 november 2009

the world ''believer'' (again...) - a frustration

in a conversation with someone who is working with Blackmore (the former parapsychologists who is now a skeptic) said - when i mentioned my interest in parapsychology (though not my stance (i.e. that the evidence pro is stronger that the arguments against) - that ''she is interesting, since she used to be a believer...''

ok, nothing against the person i was talking with: he has far more education (though that might also be the problem) than i have; he might not disagree with the point i'm about to make; he is a nice guy.

what i stated (not literally, here i use more arguments and am more to the point) right away (after letting him finish his sentence of course):
there is a problem in the word ''believer'': it is not an objective term. The word believer makes it seem the ''believer'' accepts the phenomenon without proper proof; yet people like Dean Radin and Gertrude Schmeidler (just to name two) did not start out believing, they had to be convinced by experiments (read: proof).
the point is: the word ''believer'' is dishonest and rude: don't use it.

Thinking along this line:
it might be that Anselmus and Descartes did not believe in God: they had - in their own views - proven him to exist (even though i won't agree with their proofs). The point is: to evaluate whether someone is a ''believer'' or not, one has to know the motivations of the individual (almost from a 1st person perspective (?)) and NOT THE CONTENTS OF THE STATEMENT (in which ''he beliefs'').

oh btw: this :: http://www.parapsych.org/sheep_goat_effect.htm :: is incredibly interesting! :D

stupid me - taking sides - judging - using CAPSLOCK - - thereby forgetting advice from both Prof. Hayes and dr. Sneller...
though - whatever the truth of psychic phenomena - the above considerations are valid (so i'm convinced (i almost said: ''so i believe'' - which is not strong enough))...


vrijdag 30 oktober 2009


eating for your health, listening to dr. John McDougall:

sounds familiar. :)
sounds good :)

and yes: i think i'm really going to be / am quite an alternative person (really: already am)... :P it is fun though!


thinking of... CTTB :)

i've really been missing CTTB lately. I just looked at the CTTBusa.org website and saw the photos of the ordination and recognized quite a few familiar faces. I found it especially gladdening and inspiring to see those (male - i never really got the faces of the female) novices whom i saw/met last summer walking as fully ordained Bikkshus in their beautiful robes.
see the photos here:

donderdag 29 oktober 2009

hey, this is interesting

a NYtimes article on a very strange phenomenon: mind-body interaction in multiple personality patients:

this article (at least the phenomena) should pose us questions about what our concept of ''personality'' and ''mind'' is... ask them!


zaterdag 24 oktober 2009


Why is:
a) life so hard?
why is:
b) school so easy?


vrijdag 16 oktober 2009

Is this called happinesss? - some feeling, and more philosophical thought

First a question: why does the english-writing world think it is necessary to write a useless ''s'' on the end of happiness? (just as in useless?)

Second question:
Is it? I mean, is it happiness? This vague feeling of ''everythings will work out'' and ''everything is working out'' and ''i'm on the right place'' and ''i'm meeting the right people'' and ''my world is working''... i guess it is :D

on the last one: i am learning to live with another conception of TRUTH. More pragmatically oriented. That's why it's not: ''my worldview is right'' - which is arrogance (from the believer (which can be a religious believer as well as a ''scientific'' believer) and also why it is ''world'' and not ''worldview'': in taking up a worldview you make it your experience of the world too, nb: YOUR world - in contrast to an objective world).

Now to follow up on the last paragraph: i stated a purely individual subjectivity... do i believe in such a pure single person subjectivity of ''MY WORLD''? NO! I believe in intersubjective worldviews... which are far more difficult to change. (Perhaps some hermits have a purely personal worldview - but even then...) But all worldviews we hold are formed (duh) by others, though will and do (at least should!) have a personal component - not to have a personal part is weakness. I believe in an almost nietschian virtue (even though i never liked Nietzsche - admitting i've never read him): there is strenght in being able to be true to yourself, to keep your own view, strongly differing from others.

Another thought:
on the concept ''to believe''
you CANNOT set a clear demarcation from inside between ''believing'' and ''knowing''. There is only a demarcation from a second or third persons perspective - but this is a dangerous one: it makes believe into that which is unproven knowledge. (this already implies actually that believe is a form of knowledge)
Since i would state (not going to argue for it, not now - please do force me to do so): don't use a second or 3rd person perspective to differentiate between two inner (!)states!
thus: there is no difference! (at least not theoretically)
thus: beware if someone states things like: ''that's what you believe, we know however that...''
- to believe is to know and to know is to believe
(push people into saying they don't believe what they know - they won't give in (i predict... and would you say you don't know what you believe? (haha, that's a wordplay... not the same meanings) but for true now: if you believe in God (for example, i do not believe in the monotheistic god, but that besides the point) you must hold the notion of ''God'' in your worldview -- knowledge....
ps: though i'm just now typing an e-mail using the word ''believing'' in another sense: to suspect... I believe he'll come... hmm.. interesting. I wouldn't change the above stated

just some friday-evening thinking... :P

Krippners lecture was intersting - hanging out with Isis even better yet. Nice to talk with people.

(disclaimer: all above subjects do not represent ''fedde'' or ''fedde's unchangable thought system'' nor does it represent a system i believe in per se (though it might) - i do hope it will inspire people. It will certainly be subject to severe changes)

zaterdag 10 oktober 2009


I don't know - today is useless though. Had to catch up sleep -> couldn't get up as early as usual -> haven't done much usefull stuff yet -> will have to do stuff tomorrow :(

I should get back into the habit of posting regurarly - when i did it it gave me a chance to get my head straight on stuff.

AND i should upload my photos from china to facebook... hmm... other stuff to do first.
Like writing a paper for Ancient Religions... blah; why is it restricted to 400-500 words? It is truly annoying.

fedde - the one who is meeting new people and having quite a good time at Leiden and is looking forward to the three day visit of his mother, brother, sister wednesday next week.

donderdag 24 september 2009


ah, life... :)

it's good. Taking extra classes - going to lectures - meeting people - being alone - cooking - reading - sleeping.

Went to the beach with Anke today. The beach is like 15 minutes by bike! :D

I should not have internet on my room: it takes away all this precious time i was using very usefull before i got internet: i was actually doing a lot of cultivation and lots of reading too.

ERGO this post will stop...

though i'm hearing this song by the weepies again - it strikes me as true; meeting new people, getting to ''know'' them, them getting to ''know'' me... really? People really seem not to understand i'm NOT an unworldly ascetic constantly trying to hurt myself... in fact, i can't imagine doing it differently: eating meat etc? sleeping way too much, getting up late, going to bad late? not doing schoolwork? - that can't bring any happiness i'd think.
But then: this is just a mood; there are a lot of cool and interesting people around here. (i should not forget that)

ps: i'm actually missing CTTB - wanna be back there; practicing, learning, meeting people... Oregon too... argh... summer?

zondag 20 september 2009

what to believe? - or: science's other side

(if you begin to read this; please also read the last line)

telepathy, psychokinesis, reincarnation, mediumship, ghosts, mind-body dualism and so forth ; i was raised (combination of media, school, parents, etc) with the idea that such ideas are nonsense in this scientific age.

Yet... some months ago i began seeing the other side of science: scientists who seriously study such phenomena and think rejecting them as ''nonsense'' is true nonsense... actually, a lot of scientists who study the phenomena believe in their plausibility. (Now, i'm not saying there is satisfying evidence for the above phenomena. BUT: for some there is, which makes dismissing the whole group harder.)

Of course i am crazy and unable to judge statistics, i myself just like words and ideas, sometimes a moderate amount of feelings, but here is a man who knows statistics and is led to reject rejecting psi:

A site full of serious articles by serious people seriously defending serious mentality-materiality dualism... good stuf:

An article reviewing evidence of psi:

Is that too far out? Then try read something simple, though it will surely amaze:
author's website: www.sheldrake.org

ok, now all science-type people reading this think: ''we know fedde, he's just a crazy alpha convinced by ideas. Statistically this is all nonsense and serious scientists will surely reject such rubbish''. Well, here's a professor in statistics who has reviewed studies:
http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jutts/azpsi.html ; here website (also more articles on the subject): http://anson.ucdavis.edu/~utts/

wanna read something interesting? read this: http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/jse_19_1_keil.pdf

as always: i'm highly interested in what you think and in feedback, thanks in advance. :)

edited to add this q/a on parapsychology: http://www.parapsych.org/faq_file1.html

i'm not trying to convince anybody (can't even say i'm 100% convinced myself (100% convinced is always dangerous, though i admit i have a few philosophical points i'd be prepared to defend until death)) again: i don't want you to read this post and think all the above phenomena are true; i just want you to rethink why you think they are untrue or true.


donderdag 3 september 2009

back in holland - new in oegstgeest

It’s been a long time, a long long time. And yet this post won’t cover all of it – I will leave my time in CTTB to your imagination (or just to another post), as I will most of my time in Holland. What then will I write about? About the last few days, beginning with Sunday when I moved into my room in Oegstgeest (suburb of Leiden). I only got here after a four hour train journey… usually it takes 3 hours, but this time I was stupid enough to miss a station and get out in The Hague HS instead of Leiden . A good test for my second precept of not stealing: traveling back the temptation is to not pay for it is strong and my internal lawyers had a lot of good arguments not to pay for the distance I had traveled too much; yet I did pay; and honestly, honesty feels right.

So now I’ve got my own place in the world!  A place with no parents or siblings, where I need to feed myself, and, not to forget, without internet! (I use the UB – university’s library – to access the internet.) Not having internet really gives me a whole lot of time. Though I do realize I miss some socializing: no msn, less e-mail, less blogging. Well, as for now this is perfect actually, and free (UB’s internet access is free to students :D)… maybe I’ll get forced into getting internet at my room in some weeks, who knows.

With a lot of free time – no classes, and thus no reading, yet, (and no internet :P) – I almost automatically take a lot of time for cultivation. The first few days back in Holland I had difficulty picking up my daily cultivation again – in CTTB it took less effort, I could just step into the Buddha Hall at the right time – but here in Oegstgeest the effort that goes into cultivation feels natural. Cultivation seems like the default setting of my activities at the moment. Though I guess this will not last too long.

Time for an embarrassing story… yesterday the institute for Religious Studies (= my institute! :D:D) was opened and I planned to get up early, go to the UB and then be at the opening way before it would start… it would start at 10:30. But, somehow, having gone to bed around 22:00, I still seemed to need sleep after 6:00, so I gave in and reset my alarm at 8:00… at 8:00 I decided to just turn around once, not using snooze but thinking I would get up in few moments. A few moments later I looked at the clock, which told me it was 10:10! It took me a few moments to realize what that meant, but once I did I was completely awake. Having changed my clothes, skipping morning recitation, breakfast and the bathroom I jumped on my bike and actually made it!!! A true miracle. As soon as I sat down, the opening ceremony started!

zaterdag 18 juli 2009

my room, the coming time

so yesterday i went to oegstgeest (next to leiden; my room is there) to pick up my keys and then to wait for my father who'd come with my bed and stuff.

Sooo, it was cool to finally have the feeling of owning a room, a place to live. I met two out of three roommates (we share kitchen, bathroom, toilet, and living room). Nice people. Quite international too! Together with one of the two girls i'm one of the two dutchies. The other one i met is a girl from Curacao (or how do you spell that?); the other boy, whom i didn't meet, is from China, studying in the Netherlands for a year... how cool :D

now, the coming time, i.e. CTTB...
i have been hoping, wishing, praying to go there for some years, really. Have been superglad i'm going there.
But as it gets closer, i get afraid a bit :(
fears include (and i think there aren't more):
A). whether i'll fit into the community: my life long fear, and some negative experiences, of new people (like i was afraid of my roommates too, before i met them, now i've seen them i know they're very kind people).
B). Whether i'll survive the schedule. :P
B'). Whether i'll be strong (emotionally) enough. With respect to the schedule and the amount of meditation and missing my parents and siblings and friends (though the last ones haven't really been seen by me in the past time)

talking them from my mind:
A). probably yes: the people at Rabten Choeling, the monastery i stayed in for a midweek last summer, were simply great personalities, great stories. And i don't think people at cttb will lack those. And if there's one thing i should have learned from china is that my intuition that people a priori don't like me and i have to remove their dislike is really a totally mixed up belief with no proper basis.
+ a bit of solitude can be good - i, of all people, should know that

B). well, i'm not the only one there and i never read something about people dying from at cttb from the schedule. And in fact, i have had quite disciplined days the last years (though not that early! and busy... :P)
B'). Well, i've been through stuff, some stuff, but i'm not really strong i guess - i'll learn to be. perfect.

In the mean time, i've got one week left in holland, activities include:
-today: working at the museum;
-sunday: working at the museum (last day ever, will have a goodbey later)
-monday: no plans yet, though i should get a plan cause if i don't i'll waist my day doing nothing (i.e. surfing on the net and reading too much)
-tuesday: idem to monday
-wednesday: to oegstgeest again, to get more stuff there, an entire day this time.
-thursday: packing for cttb
-friday: flying - will be a hard day, missing quite some hours
-saturday: either friday or saturday will be my arrival in CTTB - yet to figure out.


donderdag 16 juli 2009

thinking and photos

for those who have been reading this blog like a thriller - wondering if, and if so, when i would find a room... :
tomorrow i'm going down to leiden (actually oegstgeest) to pick up my keys and then will wait for my dad, who will come by car with my bed and stuff to get the bed etc into my room.

The artist, Ellen Floris, who made the photo at the top of the page, asked me to make her name clearer; of course, this i do with pleasure, and in fact encourage you all to go to her (and her husband's) website:
and check out the great pics she took...

ok, i seriously wished i had more time (is there any moment in the past few years i didn't wish so?)...
life's going so fast. I'm only living at home for one week; then 4 weeks cttb and then university. exciting it is, frightening two. I'll have to really stand on my own two feet.
Well coocking is no problem anymore: vegetables + rice = healty and good tasting! :D And can be varied enough to have a healthy life...


sleep well,

woensdag 15 juli 2009

buddhist videos

nice video's, well done, well informed! :D

dinsdag 7 juli 2009

nothing whatsoever

oh, how i miss the chinese kitchen! I actually tried hard to make noodle soup with my dad - was close, but not it yet: even the noodle soup i ate at the airport would beat it - which was not much more than noodles, water and lettuce. :P

After this post i'm going to throw some bamboo, lettuce, things like that into a cooking pot (=what my online dictionary gives me; there must be a better word), make some rice and see what it tastes like. Coocking is one of the things i should get to feel at home with these weeks.

Reading is what i do a lot these days, that is, when i'm not online searching for a room in leiden (anyone?) or involved in other business like stufi, official stuff, tiring stuff. Actually thursday i'm going to take a look at a room which has been empty for a while already - and i'm currently the only candidate; though i don't know whether that's really that positive, perhaps all the others decided the room was too messy or whatever. Anyway it's location and price are quite good actually so'd would be nice if it were a nice room. Meanwhile i still hope someone will offer me a room: ''via-via'' -dutchism?) is said to be the best way.

well ah yeah, nothing whatsoever,

fedde from a rainy day

vrijdag 3 juli 2009


okay - here we go

parts from my e-mail are italic


ok, arriving i had my first laugh. Some health inspectors came into our airplane to check our temperature. They were all dressed in white suits wearing special glasses etc - so extremely overdone haha! XD

Then met my aunt (poor her, she had been waiting for like an hour at least, with Lisa (eldest daughter) and drove home.

As my aunt pointed out, arriving in Shanghai is more like arriving in New York: good looking highways etc etc. The only thing showing you're in china is: a) chinese characters, b) the traffic rules - or actually: the lack of them.


Yesterday i went to Longhua Si (dragon flower Temple) was really a nice temple. There were quite a few monks walking around, lots of laypeople, and also, to my delight, sincere lay people - they formed assemblies and recited (Na Mo A Mi Tuo Fo; Na Mo Gwan Shr Yin Pu Sa; etc, and then a Sutra i suppose). I asked on monk whether he knew Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, showing a picture; and yes he did, he had heard lots of people talk about the Venerable Master. Only afterwards did i realize i should also have asked whether he knew Dharma Master Heng Sure - since i once heard DM Sure talk about his experience in Longhua Si taking part in an ordination ceremony.

photos: Longhua Si (Dragon Flower Temple)
the one where you see some people as the subject you should take another look: they're holding recitation books (they are the ones i'm talking about in the above)

will be continued... :) (four photos of 404?!; probably going to take a long long long time)


woensdag 1 juli 2009

home and houses

so i came home from my wonderful, incredible, super trip to and in china...

I only sent two or three e-mails with stories as some of you know and have read. I'm thinking about a way to get my experiences + photos online.

being home again is good again too. It is nice to be able to make fun with my little brother, talk with my sister and parents, see friends again.

Yesterday was graduation ceremony... that was a special occasion. I was actually suprised by my own results too - which, read aloud, called for an applauding audience. :P (7 nines; 5 eights; 4 sevens)
I will never forget some of the kind remarks from several teachers.

BUT NOW; back in holland, some things need to be arranged before i go to CTTB. For example a room to live in in leiden :( ...

i hope everyone is healthy and even more happy,

woensdag 3 juni 2009


just to enjoy, they came up in me:
warwick avenue - a song i played with the big band (which i have left now too; china and holidays would make it impossible; leiden would kill it for me anyway)

two songs from dutch artists - my incredible drive to educate anyone not-dutch about ''dutch'' culture :P:

and actually (another dutch song (dutch isaid?!)) I played this one too in a band or two:


another post, another day, another hospiteer-session

hahaha! - just to laugh it all off

ok, so yesterday i went to leiden to hospiteer again (see one of the previous posts for what hospiteren is); with like 11 canditates we all got on chance to introduce ourselves - i actually did well i think; not too shy etc - and then could leave again... i didn't get the room.
Yet the 2 x 3 hours journey to and from leiden wasn't useless: i (finally) met Kim Vinh. I had envisioned myself paying dinner for us two, but since i first wanted to know where the house was and it took us a long time to find it, we didn't get that far - actually only walked. :(
It was very nice, very good meeting him! Him showing the generosity i have experienced with the few other buddhists i met too - he gave me a book (Why should we receive and uphold the five precepts? - spoken by the Ven. Master Hsuan Hua - it made me very happy :D ); us talking about our lifes and adventures; me being kinda worried about where the house was and how the hospiteren would go.

So i got back home laaate and had to get up early! My old school, the Dr. Algraschool, my little brothers' current school, had sports-day today and i had signed up to help. That was cool! I supervised a time-run for children of about 9/10 yrs old: they'd run about 60 meters or so and i'd clock it, having fun with them. :) Children are fun. Though it is sad to see how some of them already do really have bad habits - one got angry, actually fighting; some refused to listen or couldn't listen to more than ten words or so; some used some really bad language...
And it was fun to see some of the teachers - for as far as they didn't leave and didn't come new - again! Actually talked for about 20 min with the teacher i had in 8th grade, the last year. :)

okay, from now on, the blog will mostly be my experiences in China!!!! :D:D:D

be safe, happy, and don't forget to smile (partly saying this to myself too of course :P)

maandag 1 juni 2009


hahahahahaha :D
i had played with my little brother and the lego some days ago, so he kept on asking me to continue our play - he said my play was unsurpassed (and i'm still trying the figure out whether that is or is not a compliment for an adult - which i am, surreal it is)... So yesterday i - finally - did it; and it was fun!
(for those who don't have anything very useful to do, you're allowed to read on :P - cause here comes: the adventures we are in! (otherwise, skip until bold letters appear))

we made ourselves knights and soldiers, witches and dragons, evil ones and benevolent ones; they really look cool (H).
So during that process i conceived of the plot. Now mind you, in my playing there have always been plots, very interesting thing actually, never just dull building or whatever, but there has to be a line, a story.
So euhm... here it is:
there once was a large country - the red carpet we play on - with in each of the corners a city, ruled by a king (mind you: it is still one country). Now, those kings all have a golden crown, signifying their unity, and the citizens only have to follow orders from a king if the order is agreed upon by all four kings. This way, the cities work together for safety and economy, which - of course, since it is my plot i could make it so - works really well.
In the midst of the carpet - euhm, i mean country - there is a sword in a treasury, which, when stabbed into the earth, divides the country into four again (the earth splits...). This sword was put there by the kings' ancestors who had brought unity amongst the four cities and was well guarded by magic spells and skeletons.

Now, a cousin of one of the kings steals that king's crown. To his surprise however, only two special attendants thereafter listen to him. Knowing he is unable to conquer the other kings in his quest for power, he resorts to magic and the really evil figures appear one by one. Contrary to what he had expected they didn't obey him; because, as they said, he held only one crown while they knew there were four.
So those evil figures then set out to obtain power - trying to get as much crowns as they can, or perhaps dividing the country again with the sword, so as to have control over one city - we don't know yet, it will be played though :).

What is interesting to note however is that there are some principles underlying the plot:
-prosperity and harmony go together;
-when the harmony is broken, chaos (=the evil figures) gets released, into an uncontroled search for power.

haha, sorry for absolutely boring you, yet i hope you did enjoy :P

What's left till university now?
this week: Dalai Lama Thursday; Flying China Friday;
four weeks from now: arriving from china; graduation ceremony
seven weeks from now: flying to CTTB

how cool a summer,

stay warm,

zaterdag 30 mei 2009

thoughts :D (happy ones)

China is coming close... wow :)
My exams finished (huh, why do i intuitively write exams now instead of finals?), my mind cleared away from the stressful atmosphere they brought, i'm free and almost flying (literally).

Bought a bagpack this morning and read about Shanghai now (lonely planet guide), making notes of the things i really want to visit. Really really really exciting! REaLlY!

thinking back on the past years, i constantly forget - please remind me all the time - that it was not a load of crap or misery: not! It has been a productive and forming time in my life. Gratefulness to my teachers and parents, to my brother and sister, grandparents, my friends - the everyday ones and the ones i'm going to meet (quickly!).

ok, i'm actually at work now - but the sun is shining so loudly (haha) that no one (except some folks) would ever think of going to a museum - thus they don't... + it is ''straatfestival'' (street festival?!) lots of art and music on the street - think i'm going to enjoy some of it this evening.
blah, it's boring though: nobody is coming here and i'm just reading and internetting on the most unproductive ways i know of... :P haha, for this i get money


vrijdag 29 mei 2009

Seeing Sangha

Today I was fortunate enough to have one of those rare and precious moments in my life when i see a monk; what's more: a Sanghan actually. I was cycling to the town centre and suddenly i saw a monk! In leeuwarden! Of all places! Now i'm feeling i should have just stopped and greet, ask some things and so forth - i didn't. But nevertheless it was a great reminder of something really precious in the world. Judging from the robes, it was a Theravadan monk, my feeling says burmese, but i don't really know why...

Homage to the eternally abiding Sangha of all Sages and Worthy ones of the ten direction to the ends of empty space!

(btw, the picture in this post was just one i found on the internet; not the monk i saw)


i'm 18, so the 4th of june i may vote; now what should i vote? Any ideas?

no pvv (never!);
no sp (socialist party) - they're too anti-europe for me;
no cda; christenunie or sgp - they're not for allowing Turkey into the Eu while i think that would be one of the best possible things to do (if Turkey fulfills the conditions of course); their opinion hereon is based on cultural considerations! ~ bad idea to say: ''we are christian, they are muslim => impossible match'' cause for one: Europe does not and should not pretend to be a cultural union; two: countries aren't meant to be cultural unions too - for as far we think so: stop thinking so (perhaps look at the USA for an example once!; 3: there is no such thingie as a dutch christian culture: if one out of 16 people is muslim and 7 out of 16 is christian... euh... there is no point in talking about a singular culture. (i enjoyed the text of Taylor on secularism in our philosophy textbook)
BUT MIND YOU: i'm not secular, oh no! i'm religious like hell haha (nor is Taylor - a catholic convert):)

d66 - i don't rule voting them out as of yet (though my father never speaks kindly of them)
groenlinks - the party i grew up with; the alternative ones: green and social; but it is haard to find what they think;
vvd - the debate i saw of a vvd'er with a pvv'er, i thought the vvd'er was quite ok, but i've got my doubts too; not so social party they are.

ok, so i just did this test to get out what i should vote, and (top = most fitting to my opinions, bottoms = opposite :P):
Partij voor de Dieren
De Groenen
Partij voor Europese Politiek
Europa Voordelig! & Duurzaam
Europese Klokkenluiders Partij

ok, gotta think on it some more, i do feel it is important, :)

voting for live,


from the URI newsletter i receive on my e-mail:
Just this week, an Indigenous youth from the Guarani tradition from the URI global youth network shared these words from his heart: "Nature is a fundamental pillar for the life of the world, which is what my grandparents and all their ancestors were leaving as a legacy for all of us. For a while now, some unpleasant things have been happening on Earth as the result of us having lost touch with nature. We act in respect to our future without considering the consequences...that's why I would like the scream of the wind to be heard throughout the world and to tell the world that natural resources can be used for human benefit, but should not be exterminated by which the resources cannot be renewed. It would be beautiful if our children could enjoy this land as much as we do. We must never lose respect of Her (la Pachamama) because it is through Her we live."

that is a voice worth being heard! :)


donderdag 28 mei 2009

ps to the last post :P

after such a - way too long - post i realize i forgot to include a link to some hilarious philosophical humor (well, probably just for me and a couple other strange book-loving people :P).
i'm specifically talkin' about the proofs of p, they're really great, sooo funny.
an example:
Zabludowski has insinuated that my thesis that p is false, on the basis of alleged counterexamples. But these so- called "counterexamples" depend on construing my thesis that p in a way that it was obviously not intended -- for I intended my thesis to have no counterexamples. Therefore p.

see you all,

final(s) thoughts, looking back,

Yup, can't go back now. I did. I made. I'm still alive (contrary to my expectations - really). COOL!

First yesterday: economy was DIFFICULT (or should it be economics? don't feel like looking it up... just like the distinction between finals and exams; i've got no clue :P haha). After seeing the first few questions if was totally stressing, fearing, frightened to death - in the end i made all questions, and, having looked up the official answers op eindexamen.nu, it seems it was not a disaster, just my exagerating mind. Fortunately. Everybody (except Matthee of course, lol) thought it was difficult, so the norm might be rather nice too! :)

Today: geography (finally a final Matthee thought was hard!) ~ it went well, though i've never to be able to tell with geography. I feel i did rather well, quite well, not to say good.
English - even though all my misspellings (they must be in my blog a lot, but i'm a) writing them because i don't see them (duh!) b) sometimes not in the mood to look words up c) thinking that if anyone would come across one you'd be kind enough to make a comment - i'd be grateful, really! :D )and my other stupid mistakes and misuses of the english language (sorry!), i usually think english is easy - as it is - which i think it was today - which it was... at least how i see it. The only thing they're doing is confusing you with the questions; so: don't look too long but just fill in the right answer and don't doubt. I finished real quick that way :P will work just fine.

ok, that for what was the last few days.
but now: what do i think of the last years? some points:
a) it has lacked challenge severely - not too much effort brought me good notes i just didn't deserve. Putting effort into learning is something i really like, but if i'm ahead of class and the teachers don't spot that, just let you be and pay attention to people ''who need it'' (i.e. people who either lack effort or ability (don't mean this rude) ~ frustrating it is...
so anyone who will ever teach (including me if i'll ever), as if i'm in the position to even give advice:
please do take care to pay some attention to the ones who are doing exceptionally well!

b) i've had time to do incredibly interesting things, to build up some interesting contacts, and to be alone, to be together too with people. Playing in a band has been really great; one learns so much, musically, socially, humanly (that is no word :P). Learning Chinese (well, some of it - nine days and i'll now how much it has been!) , translating from English, reading books on subjects some people don't know they exist. (How about reading ''History of Islamic Philosophy; an introduction'' by Leezenberg? (Dutch though, i translated the title) very interesting and worth reading, especially nowadays with this worldalizing - globalizing :P)
I've followed both greek and latin and really enjoyed both of them. It has enhanced my skills with language, logic and stories, and also the human aspect of stories: feelings. (Feelings can really be felt when reading words older that this flesh-bone simple thing - my body.)
Also economy (or whatever) has been interesting; my (now ex-)teacher is really one of those special people: a cultivated person (i mean: avoids certain actions out of a moral feeling; can't say that of all my teachers... unfortunately) who really knows how to teach (he could explain me the mathematical parts of economy haha)and could go beyond the books in personal discussions about alternative views on economy + he just know almost too much :)

c) i did a lot of things not completely but half - just enough. I feel i could have been way more fluent in chinese if i'd just spent more time at it on a disciplined way. I could have been able to play guitar way better; could have been, could have been, could have could, etc... So point b is positive, but also has its drawbacks...

that's it for now,
i'm going off into the wild again - i need it; beyond the sheep towards the cows and horses (not really wild, not really tame too = quite cool (H) )

breath, enough,

dinsdag 26 mei 2009

finals (again, haha)

nothing special. just greek - tough one, but not impossible. Bit more difficult than latin was, but still it will be goooood i think. :)

WOW; just 3 finals to go. Then it is OVER! :D:D:D:D:D:D yeah!
and i'll be living a different life all together! :) Lots of changes. :)

one of my shorter posts :P
so to fill it up a bit, here's some music, ''chameleon'' by Herbie Hancock!! nice one

hope you enjoy,


maandag 25 mei 2009

a poem

Anke (van Dijk) just let me read a poem she wrote:

Did you ever see a butterfly
Fly where she shouldn’t fly?
Is it brave or foolish if you try
To cross the sea, the gamble to die?

What was she thinking, no one knows
Your guess might be as good as mine
Was she just so attracted by the shine
The way the sun on the waves turns to gold

Maybe she didn’t care about the waves
Perhaps she longed to the land across
The foreign seems to have some gloss
Life always appears better there

Possibly she was just sick of company
With the others, she was just one more clone
She’d rather be unique, she’d rather be alone
She left her kin to feel whole again

The urge that took her to go in the end
We’ll never unearth wat it was like just to dare
She just got so weary she couldn’t stay in the air
Her tiny wings now flow away with the tide

which then reminds me of the song Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd (from The Wall (movie)):
(specifically the remark by the teacher)

which then reminds me of Foucault; which then reminds me of current ''scientific'' paradigms - to which i'll come back later; what reminds me of still not having posted my Gwan Yin story... forgive me, i will. :)

well, please take care not to drown, please,
(Ps, Anke just tells me she'd love reactions and feedback; so you're absolutely invited (as always btw) to comment!)

finals and feelings

Today was Latin and Maths. Actually both went really good! :D Sooo cool! :D:D Euphoria :)

But really: even math was ok. Some questions seemed impossible to me but most of it was easy enough for me; i.e. it felt like perfect. :)

Latin was the same old story... which is the nice old story we've been writing the last few years: i'm good at it, so no need to worry the least bit.

so if latin was possible, greek won't be impossible. :D ::tomorrow.

So that's 5/9 => will all be ok, all will be ok, everything.

The title - how a nice alliteration! - promises feelings; well don't expect too much... but besides the euphoria because of the finals, I'm feeling bad/sad/tired/not really positive... :(
Why do certain people always give their opinions about me: what i should like and how i should be? And why can i still not just take it and leave it? -that's about enough i guess...

so to cheer myself up i'm now going to listen, for the fourth time - or was it fifth? - to ''new song'' by leaf:

sleep well, - or whatever you do: ____ well,
edit: one more time, at least, playing the song... ;P

zaterdag 23 mei 2009

Dharma Master Heng Sure Video; Robert Thurman Video

Found this talk by Dharma Master Heng Sure. Nice, practical inter-religious demonstration. :) Might wanna just watch it (not do 3 other things while watching :P):

Another talk, by a leading Buddhist scholar/practitioner, Robert Thurman, nice general talk to and about the world (get ready for a little politics :P):

peace (would love it!),
fedde (whose name is said to mean ''peace'' actually :)

time, summer (?!), studying

ok, today i really studied again (will go back to the books after this post); did a lot of greek. :) And math (might actually work monday). And geography...

It is warm... making me sloooow if i'm in the sun. Well, it is relative of course: 25 degrees celsius, but warm enough to me. Ain't summer yet i guess though? is it?

time is really flying...:
1 week: finished the finals;
2 weeks: attending lectures by the Dalai Lama (http://www.dalailamanederland.nl/site/) and flying to china;
5 weeks: graduation ceremony;
8 weeks: flying to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas (:D!);
14 weeks: Start of the academic year at Leiden university (31 August).
How exciting! :D:D:D:D

my little brother just reminded me of his and my little sister's website: http://www.bigfun.eigenstart.nl/
how cool! It features: info for helping the environment; a recipe for a smoothie; tv-programs they follow; info on Unicef; advices for near-middle school students (dunno if that's the right term for ''bijna-brugklassers''?? fellow dutchies might wanna help me on this one... :P)
so cute...



from the vegsource newsletter:

yeah... imagine :)


vrijdag 22 mei 2009


ok, yesterday went for a walk again, matthee still had to make and eat his dinner, thus wasn't coming, nor was fedrik.
So I was alone, encountered one of the ''shepherds'' (they keep an occasional eye on the sheeps) way off the road (:P) as i was just coming down from a tree (5 metres high or so? -> me)...

I told him about the dead sheep; he didn't know about it but would like to, so i showed him the poor sheep. And was nice to talk to him; he was very kind. :)
He was interested in what i told about Arne Naess and Deep Ecology, and he told me about a dutch gardener/philosopher: Louis G. le Roy and his book ''natuur inschakelen, natuur uitschakelen''. He is the ''builder'' of an eco-cathedral (which is actually in the province I live in: Friesland, or, in Frisian, Fryslân (easier to pronounce in English (just read out loud as if it were english); Frisian is said to be very close to be old english; I once heard that frisian-speakers and old-english speakers can communicate without much problems)) - euhm... where was i? - of which you can see photos here:
they actually have an english website! :D :

this morning i woke up from a dream in which one of the images was me, standing before a mirror, thinking i was soo tired, and then blaming my jetlag - the setting was CTTB, or actually some mixed up nonsense dream with the knowledge i was in CTTB... strange - ... pff must mean something about my being tired...

ok, please forgive me my archaic language... :P

sleep well, any way,

donderdag 21 mei 2009


being close to nature - fighting the elements - cold - bugs - fear - and enjoying wonderful macro and micro scenery - does really help me; i need it.
-from my former post; felt it needed to be said a second time


blaah :( ; + yesterday

blah blah blah;
6 finals 4 days; grrr; i just don't feel like studying at all... perhaps i should go feel guilty? I think i should. And subsequently work on my math, latin and greek...

ok, but yesterday was fun. I went out ''into the wild'' - my own little wilderness at the lake, where our hut is - alone twice. The first time i first lost my glasses while climbing a tree! That was kinda strange to crawl over the ground in a desparate search for my glasses. Just not giving up was the only clue to finding them; which took me quite a while without them. :P But i found them and that was sooo funny! I actually found my classes :D

Thereafter i found a nice tree to sit in and read. I could actually sit in full lotus in the tree; meditating a bit, reading poetry, reading a book, and reading on geography! In a tree!

Then went home for dinner.

After dinner i went to Matthee, asked whether he'd come along - he had to work -, went to Fedrik (another long time friend) who also had to work - poor me - so went alone. So barefooted i went into the wild. Quite impulsive; i needed the experience, very deep felt. I actually swam!

Then I wanted to do some prayers and built a primitive altar. While i was building a sheep with her two baby sheep came and looked at me - wanted to turn around - i spoke to her softly not to be afraid - but my speaking didn't help that much... so then i thought of the Six Syllable Mantra of Avalokiteshvara (the name has more syllables than the mantra) and thought she might like that and it felt positive to recite for her and her babies. So I did - and somehow she liked it. For some minutes she kept looking at me as if really wishing to hear it - i believe she really wished me to recite on and on.

So then i wanted to meditate; the mosquitoes thought it a good idea. So i tried patience but au; so after finding out that putting grass on my legs didn't help, found out that the only way to keep 'm of my legs would be mud - which worked and is the reason they decided to go for my arms - luckily not that much, but my arms are covered with mosquitoe bites now.

okay, i'll admit, i'm weird... :)
But being close to nature - fighting the elements - cold - bugs - fear - and enjoying wonderful macro and micro scenery - does really help me; i need it. And I now really hope Matthee will come along tonight, would be cool again! :D

keep it green,

woensdag 20 mei 2009

finals (again!) and resilience :)

History finals went quite good! :D Better than it could've been. Now four days no exams; time to check up with latin, greek and geography, aaaand (noooh) maths... :P 6 finals in 4 days next week: who on earth made that timetable?!

So here are two links from about.com on resilience; what it is and how to develop it:

So let's check up with myself:
1. Develop The Right Attitude
-> not blaming myself? unfortunately that's one of my destructive habits :P; well i'm working on it...

2. Become Aware
-> yeah, i've got that one i'd think

3. Develop An Internal Locus of Control
-> well i have the bad habit of blaming things around me when i'm feeling bad - another destructive habit unfortunately - yet more and more do i see that ''Everything is made from the mind alone.'' (-Avatamsaka Sutra). That is not an idea ''out there''; but really applicable: change the mind - change the world!

4. Cultivate Optimism
-> :) no problem. I often say: ''it'll all be ok, and if not, well then not'' (well, i say it in dutch of course: het komt allemaal wel goed, en zo niet, naja dan niet'')

5. Rally Social Support
-> well let's just stop after stating that i've not always been the most socially intelligent person... or at least didn't behave that way. (People can change though, i believe i did.)

6. Maintain Your Sense of Humor
-> hahahaha! :D:D:D

7. Exercise
-> ok ok ok; i should pick it up again... actually i did run sunday! after some weeks of physical laziness :P

8. Get In Touch With Your Spiritual Side
-> this one is true. And i'm often working on it.

9. Don’t Give Up
-> that's generally not something i often do (at least that's what i think :P)

ok... i'm curious what you would answer at those points...... ? :)


dinsdag 19 mei 2009

yesterday, finals, and a short movie

to you, reader,
first comes yesterday,
went to the hut again with my little brother,
my long time good friend Matthee came too,
made the hut a better place :)
met sheep (who roam there freely);
my little brother decided to go home round 19:30 to do some studying (he is only 10! really, how funny) and computering (duh, else he doesn't live);
so we stayed and worked some more, then decided to go reading a bit (i had brought two books)... ended up climbing trees. We actually got really high; and some meters above the ground the world looks really different. What an experience we had! Yet so simple! :D:D
thereafter we finally got ourselves reading, with the lake and the sunset as our brilliant view; we only went home 22:00 :P - usually bedtime for me -, me still wishing to clean my feet (well it was necesarry) and recite some prayers to complete my day - was a nice and fulfilling day that way.

So, this morning comes next:
philosophy final. yeah, was okay again. Some of the questions were a bit, well, strange though. But I'm sure i made it (100% sure). Tomorrow history. that's difficult... it will work, sure.
(now, please don't think i don't try to get the best out of it usually, but these finals are something that are too important for me to be too serious about)

the short movie i promised:
very nicely done, good visual effects, i like it. We should all learn from it (not only the californian population)

enjoy the weather, whatever it is! :)

maandag 18 mei 2009

finals and a song

ok, that is what it was: ok. Dutch was no problem. And now i'll spend my afternoon looking at philosophy (tomorrow) and some history (wednesday).

And, i'd like to share the next song (dutch one though, might be better :P):

-burgertrut, by Yora Rienstra
sorry for liking it. For me it is a protest against people living their lives brainlessly, conforming with whatever the paradigm tells them to. I do think communities are valuable, but i also value independence. (Which is actually one of the strengths of much sages: forest monks having spent a lot of time alone out there in the forest. Master Hsu Yun, Master Hsuan Hua, Ajahn Chah; such people come to my mind; they definetely did not conform to the paradigm, but differed on a wholesome way.)


zondag 17 mei 2009

tomorrow, and... i promise a story

tomorrow is my first final: :Dutch :D
my current note is an 8; so it will all be o.k.; no matter what.

Oh yes; i've got a Gwan Yin story - really really real - to share; i'll post it soon. :)
now gonna recite a bit, check up with the official procedures for the finals and see if i can still use my bed for what it's for: sleeping soundly.

Mahler - friday evening

friday evening I went, with my mom, to the 3rd symphony of Mahler performed by the NNO. Was REALLY great! :D
Incredible music Mahler wrote.

Some of the heavy stuff XD :

(if you watch, please watch it all)

notice how much difference there is between any two movements.

The music really goes deeeeep sometimes. I really was frightened sometimes; desperate... => trumpets; gotta love 'm :)


zaterdag 16 mei 2009

blah XD

Learning, learning, learning till i don't get anything into my system anymore - do some nonsense nothingy things - learn again... quite enjoyable actually


but it would be nice if it were all over... like:

donderdag 14 mei 2009

talk by Dharma Master Heng Sure on youtube

Just saw this talk by Dharma Master Heng Sure:

very nice, very applicable, :) worth the effort, for sure

may all be free of all disturbing emotions,

how great!

just saw this one Dharma Master Heng Sure's blog:

have yet to look into it - i will - but my glance tells me it is wholesome, really. :)
The world needs it, needs us... now!

get a smile on your face :D

sooooo sooooo tired (visum, In, Leiden, hospiteren)

Yesterday was, well, ... tiring.

First i got up at 6:15 (normal time for me is only 15 minutes later so this is not shocking yet) then i didn't do the morning recitations i usually do (which is shocking) had a quick breakfast and got on the train to The Hague.

On the train i did do my recitations, quietly though, without any voice. And that was very good to do actually. I could really sense my mind going back to calm and positive states.

Then i got myself on the tram to the Chinese embassy. There was an old iraqi couple with their grandchild and they were soooo nice! The grandchild, a baby in a real pram (i just looked that word up, is that really what it is called?)- like this one http://www.oxana.nl/img/portfolio/briefkaarten/geboorte/kinderwagen.jpg - was really cute. They asked me very kindly whether this - Adriaan Goekooplaan - was where to get off to get to the embassies; i said yes, asked them what embassy they went - of Iraq - told where i was going and wished them a very nice trip when we had to part ways.

After that I visited In Liem. A dharma friend i met when i resided at Rabten Choeling, a tibetan (gelugpa) monastery in Switzerland. She has been studying the dharma for a looong time and is currently building up a temple on the other side of her street. It was nice to see her again - talking about economics, politics, the current crisis (and it's causes - she is a economist), the dharma and the temple. She briefly showed me the temple in it's current state - looks good, peaceful and calm. The Gwan Yin statue i gave her/the temple when i visited her some months ago and actually stayed over and helped a bit at the temple was on the altar now. :)

Then I went on to Leiden. I had to find a way to kill my time awaiting the ''hospiteeravond'' I'd be going (a night on which several room-seekers visit a room and those currently living there, the potential roommates, check them out and afterwards decide who will get the room). So i walked through the city center two or three times, spent time in some of the parks reading a bit, almost got into the UB (University's Libary) - but didn't cause i was to lazy and poor to get myself a locker to dump my bag and coat. Finally it was time and well, it was a nice room, nice roommates (two studens - history and psychology/philosophy (he does 1.5 study :P)); the other two candidates were also nice people... as always i first ''look the cat out of the tree'' (sorry for such a blunt dutchism, but i like the expression) when in a multi-person meeting with people i don't know. They said they's text the one who would get the room before 23:00; i didn't receive any text so i figure i didn't get the room :P
Bummer... really
But i feel somehow that it is okay. They wanted a person who would be explicitly social, hanging out with them a lot. And i'm not sure whether i really want that: i'm searching for a room, not for people.
I guess that when i find out that i have a lot of free time next year i'll probably be filling that up by reading extra books for college, or take up some extra class.

But i left the hospiteeravond a little late (early in a sense too): i had to run to miss the train - and so i did. On my sandals and with my backpack i ran from one side of town to the other. (I did draw quite some attention from a lot of people this way. :P)
And so i missed the train which could bring me to my neighbourhood; luckily my dad picked me up at the main train station here, in Leeuwarden. (Thank's!)

o.k. now i'm tired and haven't done anything useful, probably won't do either.

stay safe, please :)
see you

dinsdag 12 mei 2009

when stories live

Today I was working through some excerpts of Homerus' Illias for my finals. And wow, the text, an oooooold text it is, came alive. Sometimes those old texts in a dead language just stay just that - dead. But 'cause i have been working with this text for 10 months or so, i now could really read it and understand it as a story: the feelings are human, the dialogues are human, - very basic human emotions, nothing made up too much, just a story that was kept available for such a loooong time. I'm grateful for it - the opportunity to have acces to human history in this way - directly.

and stay safe, everyone!

nobody knows me at all

brilliant clip; very close to how i often feel...

I made my life complex, little too much perhaps... :P

yet happy,
get happy!

zaterdag 9 mei 2009

Happy to be a vegetarian

Sometimes i'm i realize i don't eat meat and that makes me happy!
=> not hurting animals;
=> healthy for sure!

http://www.goveg.com/theissues.asp nice site;

and just forcing you to watch a video:

of course, don't forget to check out the DRBA vegpage: http://drba.org/dharma/veggie/default.asp

and dr Epstein's recent collection of information: http://www.cttbusa.org/climate/globalwarming.asp

may all live peacefully and happy!

woensdag 6 mei 2009

lazy livin'

really nothing that much to do; just studying for the finals and wishing to be done. And building a hut of course (what else do you do when you're supposed to study ;) ) Together with my little brother and whoever we bring we use whatever we find at the spot. It's one of the few places i know where people aren't continuously nurturing nature...
Working at the hut gets me closer to nature, which is good, really good.

Deep Ecology (see below) is definitely interesting and inspiring! (The book i'm reading is ''Deep ecology for the 21st century'' - edited by George Sessions.)

I said it before, but nevertheless... going to university next year and traveling this summer is a liberation; i need my time, on my own. New people, new books, new things to study, old subjects deepened, new experiences, and so forth and so on...

Though of course not just forsaking my roots with that. Rereading an old book (meeting long forgotten friends, etc) is surely useful. Like now, the third time (or so) through the Shurangama Sutra in my lifetime. Deepness i had never seen before!

see y'all one day, one day... :)
be (happ)y

donderdag 30 april 2009

Deep Ecology

a movement that i'm currently interested in through having read a few bits and pieces on and/or by them is the Deep Ecology movement. Tomorrow i'm heading to the bookstore because a book by one of their thinkers has (finally) arrived... interesting;

some links:
http://www.deepecology.org/index.htm (one specific foundation though, and not the whole movement they represent... yet they can get you a picture)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2gZ6FRhc3w&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fvideo%2Egoogle%2Enl%2Fvideosearch%3Fhl%3Den%26q%3Ddeep%2Becology%26um%3D1%26ie%3DUTF%2D8%26sa%3DN%26tab%3Dwv&feature=player_embedded a video; gives a good idea :) (a should watch)
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x8meah_arne-naess_creation a long video on Arne Neass (who was the first to use the term Deep Ecology) and the movement

perhaps the only drawback i see as of yet is that the language they use is full of symbols and feelings/emotions; nothing wrong with that per se, but rationality often works better that cozy words when it comes to politics....
well... perhaps that's not so true as i just thought it is, i'll think it over and hope any reader will feed me back on this one :)

may all be green!


argh... finals; finals; finals ~ the word (no actually the dutch ''examens'' but nevermind) keeps going through my head.
A rough two weeks from now they're starting
dutch - philosophy - history - maths (ah! noooh!) - latin - greek - economics - english - geography

having no school these three weeks i have the opportunity to spend my time getting ready. Kinda fun actually.

More fun is the idea that it (school!) will be over and I'll be able to concentrate on things i like :P.
Starting with attending a Buddhist teaching and public lecture by the Dalai Lama; then traveling to China (Shanghai and surroundings) - i will get to see my expat-family: aunt, uncle, cousins (the oldest (3 or 4 i think she is) speaks more chinese that i do... just by living there... grrr); then three weeks at home; then: CTTB!!!

Coming back from CTTB i've got like four days or so until the first day of the academic year (31 August)...

This means that from now i will only spent about 8 weeks here; i.e. where i have lived for 13 years... it's time to leave some of the things behind

may all be happy and safe,
(especially thinking of those involved in the queensday (:today) tragedy(http://www.radionetherlands.nl/news/zijlijn/6281019/Four-die-in-Queens-Day-tragedy) )

vrijdag 24 april 2009

goodbey ~it really was, the last day of school

friday and thursday both were a last school day; yesterday our last lessons, today our ''examenstunt'' (''we'' - the six graders - had the opportunity to say goodbey on a special way :P)...

And actually friday i protested (in word and deed) to some of the schools authorative persons. Here's the story: the school had made clear the examenstunt-comittee that they did not want any water to be used (even though the throwing of waterballoons on the other students has been a traditional aspect of our cgbn-examenstunt for at least the years i witnessed); yet, of course, some fellow students of mine did by waterballoons and actually filled all the 1800! So they threw some of the balloons, but then the school threatened to stop the stunt if the throwing'd be continued; so the throwing was stopped. BUT the story does not end here: some staff actually began to destroy the balloons. To that i protested using the argument that it was 1) somebody else's property; 2) they could only say the balloons were not to be thrown at students, but not that we'd store them at school (really, there is no rule for that) (now this may sound strange, because they were stored with the purpose of throwing them at students, but actually it should be seen as an abstract argument - which should be seen as working (i'm totally convinced of my arguments :P)

anyway, when i said this, the door was slammed before my face without any politeness nor any counterargument...

So when they were bringing the water from the balloons to the toilet, i sneaked in the room the balloons were and took them along... (another nice thing :P : technically speaking i can't be said to have been disobying any order ~since there was no order saying i was not to take any balloons out that room)

Well i only took perhaps 50 balloons out; but it was an act of protest against ill-reasoned acts of authority... i'm still wondering about what is justice ... (an ancient question, yet always relevant, always) - and the adrenaline pumping through my body needed some 30 minutes (or more) to fade away)

But of course, saying goodbey has its inner implications too: i mean there is sadness... For 1.5 year, perhaps it was longer, one of the wishes foremost in my mind was going to university - to which i still look forward -, but now that it's really time to leave, leaving is hard, because it's a whole easy, receptive way of life i'm leaving. Next year will bring freedom and will challenge me; but, am i really ready for it?

Same goes for my summer: first China and then the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas: WOW!
but you know, traveling alone, to places i've never been; it will be incredibly exciting, little bit frightening now.

I'm sure i'll survive; i will, yes i will

be happy!

woensdag 22 april 2009

environment and economy and economy

Three green acts! ~ http://greenacts.us.tzuchi.org/

The story of stuff ~ http://www.storyofstuff.com/

Interdependent Economy ~ http://www.liemgiokin.com/

The first: a site giving (practical!) information on ways to live more environment-friendly. :)

The second: a short movie, and more about our economy and the way it fails/ the way we are misguided...

The third: an interesting book on (macro)economy; questions today's stress on growth.

also interesting:
108 advices on living greener by the Venerable Karmapa (head of the Kagyu tradition from Tibet) ~108 shall not be a random number of course- but I think it has led to some repetition. Nevertheless it is a very interesting and heartwarming set of proposals for (Buddhist) communities to contribute to the world in a sustainable way. :)

zondag 19 april 2009

First post

ok, to be honest... i don't have a clue why i have such a strong feeling i should go blogging. Nevertheless, somehow i do feel i wish to share information on what i think is important and on what i think others might find interesting to know about me and what i'm doing.

On the name:
''Dutching the World'' refers to the english usage of ''dutch'' when not specifically (read: when only indirectly) referring to the dutch as a people; i.e. when referring to a (negative) habit/tendency to be economical or even stingy (as in: ''going dutch'')
now, the thought behind the name is that i hope this blog will from time to time give some clues as to how we can live on our planet and with the rest of the population (human, non-human, even insentient) more sustainably

that's it for now :)
may all be happy!