vrijdag 22 mei 2009


ok, yesterday went for a walk again, matthee still had to make and eat his dinner, thus wasn't coming, nor was fedrik.
So I was alone, encountered one of the ''shepherds'' (they keep an occasional eye on the sheeps) way off the road (:P) as i was just coming down from a tree (5 metres high or so? -> me)...

I told him about the dead sheep; he didn't know about it but would like to, so i showed him the poor sheep. And was nice to talk to him; he was very kind. :)
He was interested in what i told about Arne Naess and Deep Ecology, and he told me about a dutch gardener/philosopher: Louis G. le Roy and his book ''natuur inschakelen, natuur uitschakelen''. He is the ''builder'' of an eco-cathedral (which is actually in the province I live in: Friesland, or, in Frisian, Fryslân (easier to pronounce in English (just read out loud as if it were english); Frisian is said to be very close to be old english; I once heard that frisian-speakers and old-english speakers can communicate without much problems)) - euhm... where was i? - of which you can see photos here:
they actually have an english website! :D :

this morning i woke up from a dream in which one of the images was me, standing before a mirror, thinking i was soo tired, and then blaming my jetlag - the setting was CTTB, or actually some mixed up nonsense dream with the knowledge i was in CTTB... strange - ... pff must mean something about my being tired...

ok, please forgive me my archaic language... :P

sleep well, any way,

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