donderdag 21 mei 2009

blaah :( ; + yesterday

blah blah blah;
6 finals 4 days; grrr; i just don't feel like studying at all... perhaps i should go feel guilty? I think i should. And subsequently work on my math, latin and greek...

ok, but yesterday was fun. I went out ''into the wild'' - my own little wilderness at the lake, where our hut is - alone twice. The first time i first lost my glasses while climbing a tree! That was kinda strange to crawl over the ground in a desparate search for my glasses. Just not giving up was the only clue to finding them; which took me quite a while without them. :P But i found them and that was sooo funny! I actually found my classes :D

Thereafter i found a nice tree to sit in and read. I could actually sit in full lotus in the tree; meditating a bit, reading poetry, reading a book, and reading on geography! In a tree!

Then went home for dinner.

After dinner i went to Matthee, asked whether he'd come along - he had to work -, went to Fedrik (another long time friend) who also had to work - poor me - so went alone. So barefooted i went into the wild. Quite impulsive; i needed the experience, very deep felt. I actually swam!

Then I wanted to do some prayers and built a primitive altar. While i was building a sheep with her two baby sheep came and looked at me - wanted to turn around - i spoke to her softly not to be afraid - but my speaking didn't help that much... so then i thought of the Six Syllable Mantra of Avalokiteshvara (the name has more syllables than the mantra) and thought she might like that and it felt positive to recite for her and her babies. So I did - and somehow she liked it. For some minutes she kept looking at me as if really wishing to hear it - i believe she really wished me to recite on and on.

So then i wanted to meditate; the mosquitoes thought it a good idea. So i tried patience but au; so after finding out that putting grass on my legs didn't help, found out that the only way to keep 'm of my legs would be mud - which worked and is the reason they decided to go for my arms - luckily not that much, but my arms are covered with mosquitoe bites now.

okay, i'll admit, i'm weird... :)
But being close to nature - fighting the elements - cold - bugs - fear - and enjoying wonderful macro and micro scenery - does really help me; i need it. And I now really hope Matthee will come along tonight, would be cool again! :D

keep it green,

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