donderdag 28 mei 2009

final(s) thoughts, looking back,

Yup, can't go back now. I did. I made. I'm still alive (contrary to my expectations - really). COOL!

First yesterday: economy was DIFFICULT (or should it be economics? don't feel like looking it up... just like the distinction between finals and exams; i've got no clue :P haha). After seeing the first few questions if was totally stressing, fearing, frightened to death - in the end i made all questions, and, having looked up the official answers op, it seems it was not a disaster, just my exagerating mind. Fortunately. Everybody (except Matthee of course, lol) thought it was difficult, so the norm might be rather nice too! :)

Today: geography (finally a final Matthee thought was hard!) ~ it went well, though i've never to be able to tell with geography. I feel i did rather well, quite well, not to say good.
English - even though all my misspellings (they must be in my blog a lot, but i'm a) writing them because i don't see them (duh!) b) sometimes not in the mood to look words up c) thinking that if anyone would come across one you'd be kind enough to make a comment - i'd be grateful, really! :D )and my other stupid mistakes and misuses of the english language (sorry!), i usually think english is easy - as it is - which i think it was today - which it was... at least how i see it. The only thing they're doing is confusing you with the questions; so: don't look too long but just fill in the right answer and don't doubt. I finished real quick that way :P will work just fine.

ok, that for what was the last few days.
but now: what do i think of the last years? some points:
a) it has lacked challenge severely - not too much effort brought me good notes i just didn't deserve. Putting effort into learning is something i really like, but if i'm ahead of class and the teachers don't spot that, just let you be and pay attention to people ''who need it'' (i.e. people who either lack effort or ability (don't mean this rude) ~ frustrating it is...
so anyone who will ever teach (including me if i'll ever), as if i'm in the position to even give advice:
please do take care to pay some attention to the ones who are doing exceptionally well!

b) i've had time to do incredibly interesting things, to build up some interesting contacts, and to be alone, to be together too with people. Playing in a band has been really great; one learns so much, musically, socially, humanly (that is no word :P). Learning Chinese (well, some of it - nine days and i'll now how much it has been!) , translating from English, reading books on subjects some people don't know they exist. (How about reading ''History of Islamic Philosophy; an introduction'' by Leezenberg? (Dutch though, i translated the title) very interesting and worth reading, especially nowadays with this worldalizing - globalizing :P)
I've followed both greek and latin and really enjoyed both of them. It has enhanced my skills with language, logic and stories, and also the human aspect of stories: feelings. (Feelings can really be felt when reading words older that this flesh-bone simple thing - my body.)
Also economy (or whatever) has been interesting; my (now ex-)teacher is really one of those special people: a cultivated person (i mean: avoids certain actions out of a moral feeling; can't say that of all my teachers... unfortunately) who really knows how to teach (he could explain me the mathematical parts of economy haha)and could go beyond the books in personal discussions about alternative views on economy + he just know almost too much :)

c) i did a lot of things not completely but half - just enough. I feel i could have been way more fluent in chinese if i'd just spent more time at it on a disciplined way. I could have been able to play guitar way better; could have been, could have been, could have could, etc... So point b is positive, but also has its drawbacks...

that's it for now,
i'm going off into the wild again - i need it; beyond the sheep towards the cows and horses (not really wild, not really tame too = quite cool (H) )

breath, enough,

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