maandag 25 mei 2009

finals and feelings

Today was Latin and Maths. Actually both went really good! :D Sooo cool! :D:D Euphoria :)

But really: even math was ok. Some questions seemed impossible to me but most of it was easy enough for me; i.e. it felt like perfect. :)

Latin was the same old story... which is the nice old story we've been writing the last few years: i'm good at it, so no need to worry the least bit.

so if latin was possible, greek won't be impossible. :D ::tomorrow.

So that's 5/9 => will all be ok, all will be ok, everything.

The title - how a nice alliteration! - promises feelings; well don't expect too much... but besides the euphoria because of the finals, I'm feeling bad/sad/tired/not really positive... :(
Why do certain people always give their opinions about me: what i should like and how i should be? And why can i still not just take it and leave it? -that's about enough i guess...

so to cheer myself up i'm now going to listen, for the fourth time - or was it fifth? - to ''new song'' by leaf:

sleep well, - or whatever you do: ____ well,
edit: one more time, at least, playing the song... ;P

1 opmerking:

  1. I really like the song xD Heard it too much though, have had the cd for some time so I played it till it was gray ( is that even still possible with cd's ? ) And about feeling sad.. Mail or call or contact me please. I might be able to help and even if I can't, I can always be a listening ear ^^
