zondag 13 december 2009

just need to write

some random thoughts:

it is a most healthy thing to be outside; just take a walk every now and then. :) Look around, hear the sounds (mostly highway/freeway (whatever) for me :P). Enjoy. Thát is environmental activism!

another thought:

another thought:
classical music! :)

another thought:
i think part of the entire problem in the world is a lack of spirituality - people are forgetting to think about some matters, don't search or find a home. This is really the cause of the environmental problem. Which for me is not global warming (though it is, if it is antropogenic, certainly bad, in my view), but is really what we see so clearly in de Randstad where i'm living: no nature at all! Just human intervention wherever you go... its sad you know.

perhaps i need to think some more and some less, the world needs both.

http://www.youtube.com/user/wolfgango1991#p/c/9F1E498167E3D674 - for thy mozart

may there be peace,

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