zaterdag 28 november 2009


it is obvious: homesick (though in leeuwarden now)... actually visited CTTB in a dream tonight. As i said to a friend*: going back to CTTB has become an existential need.

it is obvious: searching throught dusty and less dusty books for info on zoroastrian rituals, their meaning and function is, to use exactly the right word, EXCITING. For my first large paper (8 pages)...
I'm also working on another one, exciting too, perhaps even more exciting, for Buddhist Philosophy, on Buddhism and Deep Ecology. Fun times

it is obvious: that i'm stupid - the entire reason for going back to leeuwarden was to go Isis her birthday - i forgot my gift... argh such is life, my life at least.

it is obvious: Pluralism! - perfect norm for all sciences; conflicting views are ok as long as the people are not conflicting.

it is obvious: that one of the things that current sciences sometimes seem to forget is the very pupose of science: helping! To make us more whole(somely) living persons in a world, and increase our sense of wonder about the world. Just some feelings on academia.

oh and: social sciences are no sciences! :P that would be a nice thesis to defend.

see you again!

*that is a problem: when do you call someone a friend anyway?

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