zondag 29 november 2009

a single thought

really, the mind changes the world. Even though i'm getting increasingly convinced the literal sense is quite true and scientifically established (though not accepted by established science - that is a different thing), i now mean the psychological sense: the ''world'' after all is just a personal construct. (though personal is not to be believed in to strictly: i.e. personal is socially, culturally, politically, religously, economically etc etc, but still: personal!)

So if you put new expectations and new motivations into that construct it really changes that construct. Note that this is really a tautology: B = A; change A and you thereby change B... DUH! Nevertheless, making it explicit helps. Things and events really have a place in our lives and the question is how we relate to them, not how they relate to us...

ok, that was the theory; now i should go on trying to put it into practice

think wholesomely (even though that might not be a proper english word, is it? - it sounds cool and serves a purpose (which is what language is all about),

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