zondag 19 april 2009

First post

ok, to be honest... i don't have a clue why i have such a strong feeling i should go blogging. Nevertheless, somehow i do feel i wish to share information on what i think is important and on what i think others might find interesting to know about me and what i'm doing.

On the name:
''Dutching the World'' refers to the english usage of ''dutch'' when not specifically (read: when only indirectly) referring to the dutch as a people; i.e. when referring to a (negative) habit/tendency to be economical or even stingy (as in: ''going dutch'')
now, the thought behind the name is that i hope this blog will from time to time give some clues as to how we can live on our planet and with the rest of the population (human, non-human, even insentient) more sustainably

that's it for now :)
may all be happy!

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