donderdag 30 april 2009


argh... finals; finals; finals ~ the word (no actually the dutch ''examens'' but nevermind) keeps going through my head.
A rough two weeks from now they're starting
dutch - philosophy - history - maths (ah! noooh!) - latin - greek - economics - english - geography

having no school these three weeks i have the opportunity to spend my time getting ready. Kinda fun actually.

More fun is the idea that it (school!) will be over and I'll be able to concentrate on things i like :P.
Starting with attending a Buddhist teaching and public lecture by the Dalai Lama; then traveling to China (Shanghai and surroundings) - i will get to see my expat-family: aunt, uncle, cousins (the oldest (3 or 4 i think she is) speaks more chinese that i do... just by living there... grrr); then three weeks at home; then: CTTB!!!

Coming back from CTTB i've got like four days or so until the first day of the academic year (31 August)...

This means that from now i will only spent about 8 weeks here; i.e. where i have lived for 13 years... it's time to leave some of the things behind

may all be happy and safe,
(especially thinking of those involved in the queensday (:today) tragedy( )

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